ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS)

The ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) provides the most secure web viewing environment for all types of media… any media that can be displayed on a web page. ASPS enables site owners to use their own initiative and choose from a plethora of plugins available for all sorts of media. If it can be shown on a web page, then it can be copy protected by ASPS.

By using a web browser properly designed for protecting web content, copy protection can now be more secure than ever imagined.

ArtisBrowser demo for WordPress

To access demos on this WordPress site, you first need to install the ArtisBrowser from the ArtisBrowser download page.

Other web browsers do not get the page, not even the encrypted version of it, and instead are shown advice for downloading ArtisBrowser before continuing.

In the demo we have allowed the use of Windows, Mac, Android and iOS which site owners can allow/disallow at their own discretion. While viewing the page you will not be able to save or copy anything, not even source code or resource links.

Click to purchase ASPS Software.