WordPress Plugin for CopySafe Video Protection

CopySafe Video provides real protection from all copy and capture including PrintScreen and screen recording, catering for video for desktop viewing and online viewing on your web pages. CopySafe Video is the only video protection software that is safe from all copy while displayed on web pages in a web browser.

CopySafe Video Plugin Features

  • No compression means highest quality maintained.
  • Practically no file size increase after encryption.
  • During play the video cannot be copied or screen recorded.
  • Video file is Domain Locked to the owner’s web site.
  • Video cannot be downloaded or retrieved from browser cache or memory.
  • The video file cannot be located from browser source code.
  • Special buffering enables play before download completes.
  • Optional watermark that embeds the visitor’s details.

CopySafe Video files can be encoded for desktop viewing with or without DRM to prevent the video from being shared. CopySafe Video DRM prevents sharing by locking your video to the user’s computer, thus making the distribution to others useless unless they also have your permission to open and view the video. Sure, they can distribute 1,000 copies, but none can be opened unless the user has your permission.

Domain Lock Encryption

For web page viewing the video is encoded so that it can only be shown on your web page. Domain Lock, invented by ArtistScope, ensures that media cannot be plagiarized and used elsewhere. DRM is not employed in online videos because it can conflict with the usual member/login privileges already provided by WordPress.


If the user is logged on, then their ID, name and date will be used for the watermark. If not logged on then their IP address and date are used for the watermark. Online playback of copy protected video that is viewable in a web browser is unique to CopySafe Video because no other copy protected video solution can be played in a web browser. In fact, no other web browser can support real browser plugins like ArtisBrowser.

Adding CopySafe Video to WordPress

ArtistScope provides free add-ons for all CMS including WordPress, that enable the site owner to upload and place CopySafe Video on WordPress web pages from the WordPress page editor. Click for more info on the WordPress extension.

Evaluating CopySafe Video

CopySafe Video can be evaluated by downloading and testing the software, or by visiting online demos.

Each license includes free support and upgrades for life, the DRM Portal service for free without limitation, use of our online book cover design tool and the promotion/sales of video without limitation in our online book store free of commission.

Alternatives That Support All OS & Devices

Note that CopySafe solutions support Windows users only. While that may be ideal for corporate networks, if you want to display copy protected pages for all OS including Windows, Mac, iOS and Android phones, consider the following solutions:

Copy Protected Web Hosting

The SafeGuard Media plugin for WordPress has been specially designed to embed media into pages and posts that is safe from all copy including PrintScreen and screen recording. Pages can be viewed on all Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

Guest Video Protection is a most unique web hosting service that copy protects web pages. Guest Video web pages can be DRM protected, copy protected and watermarked. This plugin enables one to embed those protected pages into existing pages. Pages can be viewed on all Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices. Click for more information and online demos for Guest Video Protection with WordPress.